Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if I have forgotten my password?
Refer to the Login topic for instructions on resetting your password if forgotten.
What is the required format for date fields?
Dates entered into any Date field must be in "MM/DD/YYYY" format.
Why can't I find a specific patient record for which I am looking?
Current business activity and your user profile help determine the patient records which appear in the Search Results grid. If you cannot find a particular record, then it is because the record is not active or you are not authorized to view it.
Can I retrieve reports that I have archived?
Archived reports can be displayed by clicking the Archiver Results link under the Archived Results in the left-hand sidebar.
How long will a patient's report remain available electronically?
The patient's report is expected to remain available electronically as long as the report is not deleted from reports' storage.